Financial support in New Zealand
Disability support services
The Ministry of Health funds a range of Disability Support Services. Access to these requires a formal assessment by your local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Agency (NASC). NASCs allocate these services and can provide help with accessing other kinds of supports. These services are then delivered by their respective service providers.
Types of support services:
Community Care: Personal cares, household management, funded family care, carer support/Respite, supported living, day programmes, individualised funding
Residential Care: Community residential group homes, rest homes and hospitals
Environmental Support: Equipment needs, housing and vehicle modifications, hearing aids, cochlear implants, spectacle subsidy, communication aids
Assessments, Treatments and Rehabilitation: Inpatient beds, outpatient appointments and home visits
Child Development Teams: Hospital based specialist assessment including PT, OT, SLT and psychologist with focus on early intervention
Behaviour Support Services
For detailed information, factsheets, NASC contact details and resources, visit the New Zealand government website.
Mobility parking permit
You may be eligible for a permit. This makes attending all those appointments, just that little bit easier.
To apply for mobility parking, visit the CCS Disability in Action website.
System transformation
A nationwide transformation of the existing disability support system is underway. The aim is to ensure disabled people and their families have greater choice and control in their lives. The system transformation is based on Enabling Good Lives vision and principles. The prototype of this new system is currently being tested in the MidCentral DHB region (Palmerston North, Horowhenua, Manawatu, Otaki and Tararua districts).
The new system Mana Whaikaha, will operate on a 'try, learn and adjust' approach. Disabled people, whānau, providers, workforce, government agencies, and staff will provide feedback on what’s working and further opportunities to improve the disability support system. Advice will be provided to Cabinet on the final model and expanding the transformed system beyond the MidCentral DHB region in late 2020.