Adult siblings program
Siblings Australia’s in-house counsellor, Rachel Bailey of SibSupport, will be facilitating a workshop with adult siblings to help unpack their experiences. The session will be informed by participant feedback (with a survey link circulated to registered participants prior to the conference), and may cover topics such as:
Prioritising your needs
Boundary setting
Open conversations with parents
Future planning
Recognising the impact of the sibling experience of other relationships
The program includes:
Friday 23 Aug: Meet and Greet 7:30pm (Novotel bar)
Saturday 24 Aug: 2hr workshop 8:30-10:30am (Forest Room, Novotel)
Registering for this program
Adult siblings already registered for the conference can attend these sessions.
Not attending the full conference?
You may register just for this program for $125. The ticket includes:
Fri buffet dinner 5:30-7:30pm (inc drinks)
Friday 23 Aug: Meet and Greet 7:30pm (Novotel bar, drinks at own expense)
Saturday 24 Aug: 2hr workshop 8:30-10:30am (Forest Room, Novotel) + morning tea